Central to the importance of good dental health is the health of the patient as a whole. On each visit to the dental office, in addition to the check up and cleaning, the dentist and hygienist will examine all of the soft oral tissue around the mouth. You need not book a separate oral cancer check, as the dental team will do this as a part of your regular overall examination.
Regular check ups will establish a baseline condition of the mouth, in its normal, healthy state, allowing for the ability to monitor any changes occurring between appointments.
Any irregularities are swabbed, sampled, and analyzed in a lab without delay. As with other cancers, oral and oropharyngeal are most successfully treated when detected and treated early. This is a significant added advantage to seeing your dentist and hygienist regularly.
The dentist at Oliveira & Cardo Dental will exam all around the mouth; gums, cheeks, tongue, tonsils and all sort tissue for any redness, sores, swelling, lumps or abnormalities. If the dentist suspects anything unusual, they may use a blue dye to highlight any irregular cells in the mouth. Overall, an oral cancer check usually takes around 5 minutes.
There are many reasons a patient may have sores in their mouth, from something they ate or drank, to an ill-fitting filling or denture. Come and see us as soon as possible to put your mind at rest.